Inflatable World
We ask for your assistance to keep your child safe by noting our Safety Induction prior to entering the play area and following the Parent Supervision Requirements. Whilst we have trained floor staff consistently monitoring the play area, it is the parents or guardian’s responsibility to monitor and supervise children’s behaviours and actions while playing. Inflatable World actively encourage parents to interact with their children during play. Remember it’s all about “Family Fun”.
We ask that all parents and children take the time to watch our Safety video below, which can also be found at Center Reception to ensure a safe play environment.

To find out about our covid plan and how Inflatable World is doing our part to keep you safe click here
As a demonstration of our commitment to the Work Health and Safety Policy, Inflatable World Australia have partnered with Safety for Life Pty Ltd to develop, implement and monitor our health and safety management system. Safety and compliance audits are conducted on an annual basis and ongoing consultancy support services are provided by Professional OHS Consultants.
Inflatable World have invested heavily in our risk management program and software to ensure that hazards are managed to minimise the risk of harm to people who come into our Centres. Our Inflatable World Operating System (IWOS) Console provides a range of functions.
Inflatable World are heavily committed to ensuring that all staff, no matter the position have the appropriate training to perform the functions of their role and fulfil their responsibilities. Inflatable World Operating System (IWOS) provides ongoing training for our Set Up Staff, Floor Staff, Reception Staff and Duty Manager. Further training is provided through Sherm OH&S Software as required for our Centre Managers.
Each Inflatable World site and Licensee are covered by their own PUBLIC LIABILITY Insurance.
A Condition of Entry to Inflatable World sites is that customers assume the risks of injury that are a common and ordinary occurrence of children’s active play.
We encourage customers who wish to cover themselves and their children for any expenses relating to childhood injuries seek Private Medical Cover.
Medical Emergencies
In the event of a medical emergency we have trained competent First Aid Officers on Duty at all times. The Rec Club has First Aid Kits that are regularly inspected. Should First Aid be required whilst you are visiting our Centre, please go to the reception kiosk and seek assistance.
Fire and Building Evacuation
At each of our sites is a Site Evacuation Diagram. In the event of an emergency please following the direction of our staff.
We request that you do not prevent access to our fire equipment by storing or placing personal items in front of fire hose reels, fire extinguishers or fire exit doors.